Mental health services in Somerset

In 2019, we received more than £13 million of funding to help transform adult mental health services. This funding means we can work more closely with GPs and address patients’ mental health problems much earlier. It will help break down the traditional barriers between services and ensure that the population of Somerset gets the right support and treatment as soon as possible, with services being provided within communities and as close to home as they can be.  Plans for the service have been developed in partnership with previous patients with experience of Somerset’s mental health services who will be working alongside services to ensure they continue to grow and meet the county’s changing needs.

Children and young people’s mental health

We support children and young people’s mental health through our schools projects across Somerset, and our child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS). We support young people with specialist mental health needs including those affected by eating disorders across Somerset. Across the south west, we provide specialist CAMHS for young people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and inpatient care for young people requiring admission to a mental health ward (Wessex House).

If you need help now

Support is available. If you need someone to talk to now find out where to get urgent help for mental health.

Adult mental health

For adults, we offer a range of community-based mental health services. Our talking therapies provide telephone and online resources for mild to moderate difficulties. For those with more serious health needs, our community mental health teams offer specialist care to support recovery. Patients who require intensive, daily support and who may otherwise be likely to be admitted to in-patient care are seen in our home treatment service. For patients who do require more intensive support as an inpatient are cared for one of our mental health wards, located primarily on four sites across the county, two of which specifically care for older people including those with dementia. We also operate an intensive dementia support service which cares for patients with dementia in their own home, with care and support for their carers as well.

If you need help now

Support is available. If you need someone to talk to now find out where to get urgent help for mental health.

Mental health in pregnancy

Being pregnant is a big life event and it is natural to feel a lot of different emotions. But if you’re feeling sad and it’s starting to affect your life, there are things you can try that may help.

If you need help now

Support is available. If you need someone to talk to now contact your maternity unit or find out where to get urgent help for mental health.