About the SCR Team
The team is made up of over 38 NHS IM&T staff who have specialist knowledge about cancer. The professionals employed cover Requirement Analysts, Testers, Developers, Trainers, Business Support & Customer Support, all of whom work with clinicians, operational staff and policy makers, to deliver the SCR products.
The business is the leading cancer system provider and supports more than 100 organisations across England, which is unique for a NHS software supplier!
Customer Testimonials
“I just wanted to formally express my thanks to members of the Somerset tech support team for their involvement in our Somerset server upgrade this week. Sharon has been fantastic in the run up to the day, providing support at every step of the process and going above and beyond for the Trust to ensure successful migration on Wednesday. Richard has also been on hand to help on the day and post migration too with troubleshooting to ensure everything is working correctly.” Catherine – Service Manager, Barts Health 2022
“Remote Monitoring has removed a large volume of patients from outpatient clinics, made follow up more convenient for patients and given us certainty the follow up is safe” Roger Kockelbergh, Professor of Urology (Honorary) Consultant Urological Surgeon
“I would like to just write to you all as we approach our 10-year anniversary with you in November 2024.
I do believe that right from the start of our journey together which was at least two years before “Go-Live” with the Demo & Test sites, we have received a first-class service and support from you. As SCR System Admin for the Trust, I have always felt fully supported by you especially when calling the helpline when my opening line would be “I’m rocking in the corner” – Caroline instantly knew who I was!
Being involved in helping to shape and test was certainly a novelty for us at the beginning but what foresight you had, to involve users and bring us along with you on your development journeys!
To the next 10 years, thank you.” 2024 – Assistant Cancer Services Manager, Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Trust, London
Somerset Cancer Register
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Unit J
Crown Close
Crown Industrial Estate
Phone: 0300 323 0066
Email: cancerreg@somersetft.nhs.uk