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Adult audiology
Adult audiology
You can refer patients who would like to be assessed for an NHS hearing aid directly to audiology if they meet the following criteria:
Patients who fail the criteria need to be referred to the Ear, Nose and Throat Department.
Referrals for advanced audio-vestibular investigations for example, brainstem evoked responses, electronystagmography, are accepted from Ear, Nose and Throat consultants only.
The Audiology Department carries out a specialised clinic for those living with learning disabilities with suspected hearing loss. GPs can refer directly to Audiology if they would like to access this service.
Referrals for tinnitus counselling and hyperacusis retraining are accepted from both GPs and Ear, Nose and Throat consultants.
If a member of staff who cares for patients on a hospital ward requires assistance with regards to hearing aids or hearing loss, you can seek advice from the Audiology Department directly.