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Cancer services
Beacon ward
Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton
Cancer services
Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton
Our Beacon ward is located in the Beacon Centre, which is a centre of excellence for cancer treatments.
On Beacon ward we assess and care for patients with a wide range of cancer conditions. We work closely with the teams in the Beacon Day Unit, oncology (cancer) outpatient clinics and radiotherapy services in the Beacon Centre and provide holistic patient-centred care.
In the Beacon Centre we treat patients with radiotherapy and chemotherapy and on the ward, help manage the side effects of these treatments. We have a team of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and social workers who can help, as well as an aromatherapist. We have palliative care specialists who are there for our patients at the end of their lives.
If you are a patient on our Beacon ward you can use our sitting and sun rooms with TV, a music centre with a selection of magazines and books. You can get hot and cold snacks at any time. We have a quiet room for reflection or private discussions with your friends and family. If would like to have your family stay we have ensuite accommodation for them.
We recognise and treat the whole person on our Beacon ward with support for your psychological, emotional, social, spiritual and physiological needs.
Please note that unfortunately we do not allow flowers on the ward due to the risk they pose to our patients with neutropenia (weakened immune systems).
Visitors are welcome between 10am to 8pm – seven days a week. If you have relatives who wish to visit or stay outside of normal visiting times please discuss this with the nursing team.
For the safety and comfort of all our patients we restrict visitors to 2 at a time, but do ask the nursing team if more visitors need to come in.
Sharon Sussex
Caren Attree