Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Information for Young People and Families
You are likely to have been referred to the CAMHS SPA team because an adult close to you is worried about how you are feeling, and they want to find you the right type of help. This might be from us in CAMHS. However, it might also not be from CAMHS but we can try to signpost or support you to get some help either way.
It is possible that we will invite you for an assessment, which can be face-to-face, via phone or virtual (video) if we still have some queries about your presentation and we want to gather some more information. After that, we will be able to signpost you to the service that will provide you with the most appropriate support.
Information for Professionals
Referrals can be completed by GPs, schools, and any other professionals involved with a young person’s care.
The service welcomes referrals by letter or e-mail (please use of the CAMHS referral form), by telephone or early help assessment (EHA) form.
A referral form contains personal and sensitive information, so please make sure that the form is sent to us in a safe and secure way.
Please make sure the young person is aware of the referral and agrees with it. You need to note this on the referral form.
You can download the Eligibility Criteria for Somerset CAMHS, as well as the CAMHS referral form on the right-side of this webpage.