Self-referral to Somerset Chest X-Ray Service

If you are concerned about symptoms, you don’t need to contact your GP. Instead, you can complete the online self-referral form and refer yourself directly to the Somerset Chest X-ray service.

Our service allows anyone aged over 40 and registered with a GP in Bridgwater to self-refer.

You can check if you need a chest X-ray if you have noticed one or more of the following symptoms:

  • a cough lasting more than 3 weeks
  • chest pains
  • feeling short of breath or difficulty in breathing
  • unexplained tiredness
  • loss of your appetite
  • weight loss you can’t explain.

To see if you qualify, you need to complete the self-referral form, which takes around 10 minutes.

You can also text LUNG to 82228 to be sent the link to the form.

Or, you can complete the form over the telephone with our office team at 01823 792874, Monday to Friday, from 8am to 4pm.

What happens after I complete the referral form?

Your responses will be reviewed and the Somerset Chest X-ray service will contact you regarding the outcome.

We will contact you within one working day. If needed, we will ask you to attend for an X-ray– no appointment needed. Details will be provided at the time.