Exercise support
We want to ensure everyone starts their cancer treatment as fit and as healthy as possible. We recognise that everyone is different, including their level of health and fitness. This means at the point of cancer diagnosis some individuals will have a high level of fitness, others a low level and most somewhere in between so, we start with an initial face-to-face consultation to map out how we are able to support you.
Our programme offer includes access to the following support:
- Face-to-Face exercise support clinics over a range of locations across the county with our cancer specialist exercise practitioners
- Access to Prehab Classes in Dene Barton Community Hospital and Bridgwater Community Hospital.
- Access to a range of leisure centres and pools across the county (depending on timeframe to treatment)
- Pre-recorded online video content available in this page
- Use of patient exercise videos online.
- We would encourage engagement with groups similar to 5k Your Way to support all our patients in every way possible.
Access to our tools starts with an initial screening assessment where you will have questionnaires to complete, and an initial base line assessment is made.
During this assessment you will be given a prescribed home exercise plan to enable you to build up your cardio vascular fitness together with strength and conditioning. You have the option of being sent links to Physitrack videos to help support you at home and ensure that you complete your exercises correctly

Face-to-face clinics
Our face to face clinics are currently held at the following locations:
- Chard Community Hospital
- Deane Barton Community Hospital, Cotford St Luke
- West Mendip Community Hospital
- Victoria Park Health and Wellbeing Hub, Bridgwater
- Bridgwater Community Hospital
- Wincanton Community Hospital
- South Petherton Community Hospital
- Bridgwater and Taunton School

Leisure centre offer
We are delighted to be able to work with multiple Leisure Centres around the county to provide access to patients closer to their homes such as Everyone Active, Freedom Leisure, 1610, SASP and Fusion Lifestyle offering our Somerset Prehab for Cancer patients access to gym and swimming facilities.
Everyone Active
For patients living in Taunton we have worked with Everyone Active who are offering access to their following services
Freedom Leisure
For patients living closer to Yeovil, Chard or Wincanton we have worked with Freedom Leisure to enable people to access their facilities including:
- Goldenstones Leisure Centre and Pool
- Westlands Sports and Fitness Club
- Chard Leisure Centre
- Wincanton Sports Centre
Fusion Lifestyle
For patients living in the Mendips, we have worked with Fusion Lifestyle, and are able to offer access to their.
SASP and the Beach
For patients that live in West Somerset we have worked with SASP who have and are delighted to be able to offer a bespoke service in the Beach Wellness Gym in Minehead.
For patients living in Bridgwater we have worked with Trinity Sports and Leisure 1610 and are able to offer access to this leisure centre.
One of the outcomes from your physical assessment will be a prescribed home exercise plan using Physitrack. You will received a printout of you programme at the end of your appointment and be issued with three resistance bands of varying strengths to support it.
If you consent we can arrange for you to receive a direct email from Physitrack with a link your exercise videos.
Furthermore, Physitrack has an App which can download to your phone or tablet where you can set reminders to do your exercises and track your progress.
Pre-recorded video content
Pre-recorded video content helps to provide exercise videos that can be followed at home or at your convenience elsewhere. These are open videos and are available for everyone to use, and can support patients with a range of work outs, check with your Exercise Practitioner that they are suitable for you before you start.
The Manchester Prehab 4 Cancer Programme has created a range of tools specifically for this purpose and have agreed that these can be shared with other programmes. Below are a selection of videos that are available, more can be found on their YouTube channel here
There are pre-recorded videos hosted on the Penny Brohn website which has been developed to support patients and can be found here.
5k Your Way
5k Your Way is a community-based parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month initiative to encourage those living with and after cancer, families, friends, and those working in cancer services to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way
The Taunton Parkrun at Longrun Meadow is used for our Beacon patients and the group meets at 8:45 at The Weir cafe. It would be great to have as many people as we can engaging with this group both joining in or encouraging others to complete the distance.
Move Against Cancer
Move Against Cancer is a programme for anyone aged 13-30 diagnosed with cancer and is designed and delivered by MOVE (please write in full) Level 4 Cancer Rehab Specialists. They offer a free 8-week online building foundations programme for 13 – 30year-olds living with and following cancer treatment. This programme is available to all, regardless of whether they have been active or inactive before they were diagnosed with cancer.
The aim is to:
- Reduce short-term and long-term effects of treatment.
- Self-manage and reduce cancer related fatigue
- Improve function and overall quality of life
- Improve fitness
- Improve muscle strength and conditioning
- Improve mental wellbeing
- Help young people to live a happier and healthier life.
- Keep exercise and activities fun and interactive
Prostate Specific Exercises
Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises
In addition to the strength, conditioning, or cardiovascular programs we encourage, we recommend specific exercises for our prostate patients to support pelvic floor muscle strength. Prostate cancer and its treatments can impact continence and sexual function, which you may be experiencing. This can affect various aspects of life, including personal relationships, work, and social interactions.
As part of prehabilitation before prostate cancer treatment, a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist can offer guidance on pelvic floor rehabilitation, helping you improve or regain bladder and bowel control and maintain sexual function, thereby reducing the impact on your quality of life. If you are one of our prostate patients, you will be offered an appointment with a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist to discuss your pelvic floor health.
It is essential to incorporate pelvic floor exercises into your daily routine and maintain them regularly. For further support, visit Adore Your Pelvic Floor

30 minutes of activity a day could include
When you have been diagnosed with cancer, it will help you to improve your quality of life if you carry on being active. There may be a temptation for your friends and family to do things for you, but it will help improve how you are feeling both physically and mentally if you do things for yourself whenever you are able to. You should try and do 20-30 minutes of activity every day. If you do not feel you can manage this in one go, try doing 10-15 minutes activity in the morning and then another 10-15 minutes in the afternoon.