Musgrove Park Hospital Chaplaincy Update


Musgrove Park Hospital Chaplaincy Update

This week for Christians is Holy Week, an important time of prayer and reflection in the days leading up to Easter.

As we are unable to offer services in the chapel at present, pre-recorded services will be broadcast on 97.3 Apple FM or at 10am on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and 10.30am on Easter Sunday (and every Sunday).

Members of the Chaplaincy team are currently on-site at Musgrove from  7.30am to 7.30pm seven days a week and we continue to visit patients (of any or no faith) throughout the hospital in response to requests from patients, families and staff.

We have single-use packs of resources to support the spiritual care of isolated patients available for wards on request.

The Chapel on Level 1 of the Duchess Building continues to be open 24 hours a day (with comfortable socially distanced chairs) for anyone wanting a to chat, pray or simply have some space.