
Children's Community Nursing service

We work in partnership with parents and other multi-agency professionals to make sure the special needs of sick children are met.

We provide skilled, high quality nursing care and advice and support for families with children aged 0 to 18 years who have acute or chronic conditions, including:

  • Epilepsy
  • Respiratory conditions including asthma and cystic fibrosis
  • Cancer (oncology) and haematology
  • Heart (cardiac) conditions.

We also provide support for the following specialist treatments including, but not limited to:

  • Enteral feeding
  • Home oxygen therapy
  • Neonatal care, nasal gastric tube feeding
  • Co-ordination of packages of care for children with complex nursing needs.

We offer families specialist equipment, guidance and education in medical/nursing procedures and signpost to other services.

A key role in our team is the children’s community nurse (CCN), who is a registered nurse with special qualifications for working with children and may have a specialist clinical interest.

We also work with a range of other health and social care professionals including: consultants, nurse specialists, GPs, health visitors, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, schools and nurseries.

Where do you work?

Our community children’s nursing team is based at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton but we provide care at the child’s home and we also see children in other convenient locations such as schools, nurseries, hospitals or local clinics. Each member of the team is responsible for patients in different areas across Somerset.

How do you arrange home visits?

We arrange contact with you, either before your child leaves hospital, or over the phone. Your CCN will arrange any further visits with you and will always try to make sure visits are at convenient times or as your childs condition dictates.

How to refer/referral information (if applicable)

All referrals are internal only via a doctor or ward. Occasionally we accept referrals from tertiary centres as long as it is followed up with a referral to a paediatrician.