Mental Health, Dementia, Neurodegenerative
The following studies are being carried out at the Somerset Foundation Trust.
A Register for New Anti-Epileptic Drugs In ID/PDD populations
All patients with epilepsy and learning difficulties, on specific medication will be contacted by Research team.
Planned end date 30/11/2024
PPiP2 – Prevalence of Neuronal Cell Surface Antibodies in Patients with Psychotic Illness
The study aims to understand more about the role of the immune system in psychosis. There is some evidence to suggest that in some people their immune system may play a part in their symptoms of psychosis.
The immune system normally controls our ability to fight infection. If the immune system goes wrong it may attack our own body, causing diseases called auto-immune’ diseases. It has been discovered that some of these autoimmune diseases can affect the brain, and in the early stages of the disease they can manifest through symptoms of psychosis.
We can diagnose some of these autoimmune diseases using blood tests to detect specific antibodies. We are specifically interested in NMDAR, LGI1, GABA-A and CASPR2 antibodies that may be associated with symptoms of psychosis. Participants with presence of these antibodies in their serum will be referred to neurologist and approached for the SINAPPS2 trial on immunotherapy (IVIG/Rituximab) for antibody associated psychosis.
For further details please visit the website
National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness.
A Global PRospective, Multi-cEnter, ObServational post-markeT Study tO assess shoRt, mid and long-term Effectiveness and efficiency of VNS Therapy® as adjunctive therapy in reaL-world patIents with diFficult to treat dEpression.
DNA Polymorphisms in Mental Health – 3 Arms Healthy Volunteer Arm, Bipolar and Schizophrenia
Long standing study that has recently gained further funding and extending recruitment
The overall aim of this project is to develop and test a bespoke educational package to help people with severe mental illness and diabetes to manage their diabetes better. We also want to explore how this approach can be adapted for other long-term conditions.
We are testing the DIAMONDS intervention, a supported diabetes self-management programme designed specifically for people with severe mental illness, to check it is acceptable for patients and that it can be successfully delivered. Following this we will compare the diabetes self-management programme to usual care in a trial.
The Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI) is the UK’s largest ever research project on eating disorders. Our aim is to collect the psychological, medical, and genetic information of 10,000 people with experience of any eating disorder. This will help us to better understand the role both our genes and environment play in the development of these illnesses. A deeper understanding of eating disorders means we will be better equipped to help those who are experiencing them. EDGI UK is part of an international collaboration, with many countries coming together as part of the same initiative. For too long, eating disorders have been stigmatised by society, underrepresented in mental health research, and overlooked by research funding bodies. Together with your help, we want to change this. Help make a difference by signing up to EDGI UK today.
Parkinson’s Family Project
To identify genetic variants that predispose to or cause Parkinson’s disease or Parkinsonism (Parkinson’s diseases – PD) Secondary: To identify families that may be prepared to participate in translational research related to PD, its aetiology, biology, progression and future treatment
Further information about the trial can be found on the Parkinsons website.
Study Closes: 01/01/2027
This trial aims to determine whether the drug, rivastigmine, can prevent falls in people with Parkinson’s.
Principle Investigator – Dr Anita Goff
For more information, please visit the CHIEF-PD Trial webpage.
Closed to recruitment

The UK MS Register Project
The UK MS Register project is a joint initiative between Swansea University, the Multiple Sclerosis Society and a number of senior clinicians and academics at NHS Hospitals across the United Kingdom. The goal of the Register is to build a longitudinal research-ready database of people with MS in the UK, consisting of linked data from clinicians, people with MS, and routine MS data.
NHS Clinical Sites consent patients over the age of 18 with a confirmed diagnosis of MS who agree to have their medical records (including an established dataset, clinic letters and even MRIs) linked to the MS Register. Routine sources of anonymised data such as Hospital in and outpatient records will be linked to these datasets going forward. The security and confidentiality of this data is of the highest importance and the highest levels of encryption and security throughout its collection, storage and use are in place. All data that researchers have access to is anonymised and nothing identifiable is ever released.
Further information about the trial can be found at

If you have any questions about participating, please contact one of our Clinical Research Team: Kimberley, Nishi or Tracy, on Tel: 01823 343635 or Email:
If you do choose to participate in the study, we ask you to select “Somerset Foundation Trust, Musgrove Park Hospital” when asked “Which NHS hospital/Trust referred you to our study? Please select form the drop-down menu.”. This is so we can track which of our patients have participated in the study.