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- How to talk to us about you / your loved one’s condition
No one knows yourself or your loved one more than you and the people who care about them. We recognise that patients and carers can sometimes see the early subtle signs of their loved one’s condition is getting worse, often before healthcare professionals.
Please do not feel that raising a concern will negatively affect your care in any way.
The nursing team on the unit will be asking if you are worried about your condition each time, they do observations and they are your first point of contact.
However, if you are concerned and cannot find a member of nursing team, please feel free to raise your concern with any member of the team on the ward.
It is helpful for staff if you can describe your concern in as much detail as possible. The following may be helpful pointers.
Are you/they:
Are you/they:
Do you/they look:
Are there differences in your/their:
When you raise a concern with the ward team, we will: