Links and further information

UK eating disorder charities:


BEAT is an eating disorder charity which provide helplines and chat rooms which offer support and information about eating disorders. The website also offers free downloadable self-help resources for those experiencing eating difficulties and those supporting loved ones. To find out more information visit Learn about eating disorders – Beat ( To contact their 24/7 helpline, contact 0808 801 0677.


Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorder Association (SWEDA) provide helpful informational resources on eating disorders. They also offer a number of services including:

  • Counselling (12 sessions)
  • Self-help support groups
  • Family and Friends support group
  • College support service
  • SWEDA midline helpline (0300 3305464)

To find out more information visit Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association (SWEDA), England, UK (

Recovery College

Somerset Recovery College provide a range of online and in person educational courses and resources to people who might be struggling with mental health issues, families, friends and anyone else who may be interested. These are held in a range of locations all over the county. To find out more about what courses are currently being run visit Course Calendar Somerset Recovery College.