

Our services

Gynaecology provides a full outpatient and inpatient gynaecology service including:

  • colposcopy
  • Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic
  • Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU)
  • cancer diagnostic and treatment services
  • urinary incontinence
  • prolapse clinics.

Outpatient appointments

These clinics are led by a consultant with a wider medical team, specialist nurses and experienced health care assistants.

At your first consultation you may need to be examined. This may not be by the consultant, but by one of the team who will report to the consultant to make any further decisions.


The gynaecology ward specialises in caring for patients undergoing elective surgery, emergency cases from the emergency department and those experiencing problems in early pregnancy up to 20 weeks gestation.

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC)

You can be referred to this clinics by your GP, community midwife or emergency department if there is the potential you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or loss of a pregnancy up to 24 weeks. You may also be referred to this clinic if you are pregnant and have previously had an ectopic pregnancy or tubal surgery.

Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU)

GAU is an emergency gynaecology service runs seven days a week at Yeovil Hospital and Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, seeing women with any gynaecology emergencies including early pregnancy. Patients will be referred through the emergency department or through your GP.

Gynaecology cancer diagnostic and treatment services

Both Yeovil and Musgrove Park Hospital offer diagnostic services for women with suspected cancer.

The gynaecology consultants, consultant radiologists, consultant histopathologist, and clinical nurse specialists at Yeovil Hospital work closely with the gynaecology oncology team at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton for the planning of patient care.

The service offers diagnostic radiological investigations as well as clinical assessment to diagnose cancer.

Low grade cancer will be operated on locally either at Yeovil Hospital or Musgrove Park Hospital with high grade cancers or more complex cases receiving treatment by specialists based at Musgrove Park Hospital.

There are support services for women with previous diagnosis of cancer or undergoing treatment supported by our clinical nurse specialist.

In addition to clinical care, the unit works closely with the Yeovil Hospital research department to participate in national cancer research studies and trials to inform future cancer care.

Urogynaecology and Urodynamics

The urogynaecology service provides care for women with urinary incontinence and complex pelvic floor weakness/prolapse.