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- Home Treatment Team
We provide home treatment services to adults living in the community who require intensive, daily support and who are at risk of being admitted to an inpatient unit (for example, a ward). We can also speed up discharge from inpatient care by making sure intensive home support is available for a short period after discharge.
Our teams include community psychiatric nurses, specialist social workers and occupational therapists who will make an initial assessment to establish your individual needs. This usually takes the form of a face to face meeting with two staff, though this may start with a telephone conversation. We encourage important family members or carers to be part of this assessment. We can contact specialist doctors and psychologists quickly if needed.
After this initial assessment we agree a plan of care with you and staff then visit at agreed times – sometimes up to three times a day – to support you and your family and carers. We will often provide medication and we keep your family doctor updated about your progress.
As you improve we will see you less often and discuss with you what follow-up arrangements will work best for you.
We provide a 24-hour service.
Referrals to the service are normally received from your GP, but we also accept referrals from other professional and voluntary service workers. You can refer yourself. People accepted by the service are usually seen on the same day as they are referred.