
A miscarriage is if you lose a pregnancy before 24 weeks. Miscarriage is the most common kind of pregnancy loss and affects around one in four pregnancies. We don’t know why all miscarriages happen, but sometimes there can be underlying reasons. It’s important to know that your miscarriage is very unlikely to have happened because of anything you did or didn’t do.

Some signs of miscarriage are vaginal bleeding, cramping, pain, and not feeling pregnant anymore.

Losing a baby through miscarriage can make you feel very shocked, angry, sad and alone. You might feel like it’s your fault or ask why it happened. It’s okay to feel upset or confused. Talking to someone can help.

There is a lot of support available in Somerset through Somerset – End Of Life Care & Bereavement Support (eolcare.uk) like extra information, helplines, forums, online chat, groups that meet, talking to dedicated supporters and counselling. This support is available from local and national organisations. Speak to your midwife about what support there is.

More  helpful information:

Towards Tomorrow Together – Towards-Tomorrow (Together)=

The Miscarriage Association:Pregnancy Loss Information & Support

Yeovil Sands www.facebook.com/TheSnowdropGroupYeovil


Video - For family & friends - How to support after loss