Healthy Eating in Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant there is no need to ‘eat for two’, it is more important to eat a variety of different foods. A healthy diet helps both you and your baby grow strong. Here are some tips for healthy eating during pregnancy:

Eat fruits and vegetables of different colours

This helps you get the vitamins and minerals you need and to avoid constipation (difficulty opening your bowels). Examples include oranges, bananas, carrots, spinach, and tomatoes. Try to eat a rainbow everyday.

Protein is good for your baby’s growth

Eat foods like chicken, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Choose lean meats and avoid processed meats.

Try to have 2 portions of fish each week

Make one of them an oily fish like salmon, sardines or mackerel. If you are pregnant you should avoid eating some fish like shark, swordfish and marlin.

Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day

Staying hydrated will help you to feel well. Avoid sugary drinks and too much caffeine.

Eat foods rich in calcium like milk, yogurt, and cheese

You can also find calcium in foods like almonds, spinach, and broccoli. Calcium helps your baby’s bones grow strong.

Eat Carbohydrates

Eat bread, potatoes, breakfast cereals, rice, pasta and noodles. These give you energy and help with digestion. Choose whole grain options like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal.

Iron is essential

Iron is an essential mineral in pregnancy as it carries oxygen to your baby by your blood. Good sources of iron include red meat, beans, nuts, dried apricots, wholegrains and fortified cereals. If your iron is low, you may be prescribed an iron supplement.

Try to eat healthy snacks

Such as fruit, yoghurt, carrots or dried apricots and avoid snacks that are high in sugar and/or fat.

Foods you should avoid:

During pregnancy, it’s important to be careful about what you eat. Some foods can be harmful to you and your baby. Avoid eating:

  • Soft/blue cheeses
  • Unpasteurised milk products
  • Raw meats, pâtés, liver, raw/soft eggs (unless they are British Lion eggs)
  • Shellfish, swordfish, marlin, shark (mercury content)
  • More than 2 portions of tuna a week

More helpful Information

Have a healthy diet in pregnancy – NHS (