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- Baby straight after birth
After you baby is born and you hold them skin-to-skin, they might start to show signs they are hungry. Some babies want to eat right after birth, but some might wait a few hours. Your midwife will help you feed your baby after they’re born.
They will check your baby’s weight and look at your baby from head to toe to make sure everything is okay. Your baby will also get a special vitamin called Vitamin K. This can be given as a injection or as drops in your baby’s mouth. This vitamin stops a rare but serious blood problem. If you choose the drops, your baby will need more later on.
After your baby is born, the midwife will make two identity bands with your last name and your hospital number. They will check these details with you or your partner against your printed patient identity band before putting it on your baby. Soon after, your baby will get a unique NHS number that they will use throughout their life.