Pain Relief in Labour

Birth can be hard and it can hurt, but there are many ways to help with the pain.


You can make labour easier by:

  • Learning about it so you’re not scared.
  • Learning how to relax and breathe deeply.
  • Moving around and changing positions.
  • Having a friend, partner, or relative there for support.
  • Getting a massage from your partner.
  • Taking a bath.
  • Taking paracetamol (a medicine) to help with early labour pain.

You can choose what you think will work best for you, but you should also listen to your consultant/doctor or midwife’s advice. Write down what you want in your birth plan, but remember, you might change your mind during labour.

Gas and Air (Entonox): Pethidine Injections: Epidural: TENS Machines:
This is a mix of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas. It doesn’t take away all the pain, but it can help. You breathe it in through a mask or mouthpiece. It doesn’t hurt you or the baby, but it might make you feel lightheaded or tired. This is an injection given to help with pain and relaxation. It works for 2 to 4 hours, but it’s not good to have as you get close to the time you’re pushing because it can make you feel sick and tired. It might also affect the baby’s breathing and first feed. This is a type of anaesthetic that numbs the nerves that carry the pain. It is very effective but can only be given by an anaesthetist doctor and it’s not available at home or in midwife led units. It might make your legs feel heavy and make it hard to wee, so you might need a tube (catheter) to help. They will use a CTG machine to check your baby’s heartbeat to make sure it’s safe. This is a device that sends small electrical pulses to your lower back to help manage pain. Remember starting to use a TENS machine once you are in established labour will not help with pain.

Alternative Methods

Techniques like acupuncture, aromatherapy, homeopathy, hypnosis, massage, and reflexology might help, but their effectiveness isn’t proven. Acupuncture and Aromatherapy will need to be done by a special trained therapist.