Positions for Labour and Birth

When it’s time to have your baby, there are many different ways you can position your body. These are called birthing positions. It’s good to move around and try different positions as this helps your baby move into the birth canal and makes you feel better. It can also shorten your labour.

Here are some common positions:

“Lying Down”:

This is when you lie on your back in the bed. Some people find this comfortable, but it can be harder to push in this position.

“Sitting Up”:

This is when you sit up in the bed, using pillows to support you. It’s good for resting and can make it easier to push.


This is when you bend your knees and lower your body, like you’re going to sit in a low chair. This can help your baby move down, but it can be tiring.

“On All Fours”:

This means you’re on your hands and knees. Some people find this position helps if they have back pain.


This is when you lie on your side. It can be a good position if you’re feeling very tired.

Remember, you can change your position any time you want. You can also use things like balls and mats to help you feel more comfortable.

Your consultant/doctor or midwife will help you find what works best for you. You should do what feels right for your body. Don’t worry, there’s no right or wrong position. The best position is the one that helps you and your baby the most!

NHS Video - Positions for birth and labour