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- Older People’s Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)
Our Older People’s Community Mental Health teams (CMHT) work with you if you are aged 65 or over and experiencing moderate or severe mental illness. We assess, treat, monitor and support you and your family, in your own home.
We can support you with other services where you need them, including our Intensive Dementia Support Service (IDSS) or Home Treatment Team who can support you at home if you are in a period of mental health crisis or arrange admission to our specialist older people’s wards at Pyrland wards 1 and 2 if required.
The CMHT will provide continued support during an admission and to support discharge.
Our Older People’s Community Mental Health teams are made up of community psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, support, time & recovery workers, assistant practitioners, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and administrative support. They also work as part of a bigger team which brings together district nursing teams and integrated rehabilitation teams who can make sure all your health needs are met. We co-ordinate your care across these services whenever needed and will, on average, visit a person every one to two weeks for six months, or longer if required.
How to access our service
Referrals to the teams are usually made through your GP who will undertake initial tests before referral or another health professional caring for you. Referrals can also be made via Somerset County Council’s Social Services if you are under their care.
Newly accepted referrals will be offered an appointment within six weeks. Following assessment a care plan is agreed with you which may include medication, referral to psychology, or support workers or referral to other agencies such as social services.
Our Older People’s Community Mental Health teams work Monday-Friday 9am-5pm (telephone line in South Somerset available between 8.30am and 4.30pm) and offer a duty service for urgent issues.