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- Ophthalmology (Eyes)
- Ophthalmology specialties
- Musgrove park hospital paediatric ophthalmology and oculomotility
Our children’s service covers all major types of eye condition. These include squints (strabismus) and lazy eye (ambloyopia), refractive errors, problems with the eye socket, tear glands and lids, anophthalmia and microphthalmia (for children born without eyes or with very small eyes), cataracts, external and corneal diseases, genetic conditions, glaucoma, retinal disorders, and inflammatory eye conditions (uveitis).
We investigate and manage certain neuro – ophthalmological disorders .
Our ocular motility service treats people who have problems with their eye movements, eye alignment or double vision.
We care for patients with ocular motility (eye movement) problems, these include:
Our team includes consultant ophthalmologists, orthoptists and optometrists.
Consultants connected in this service; Mrs K Barnes and Miss S Rattigan
This service is only available at Musgrove Park Hospital.