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Pyrland ward 1 and 2
Wellsprings Hospital Site, Taunton
Wellsprings Hospital Site, Taunton
We are a specialist older person’s inpatient unit based in Taunton, taking acute admissions from across Somerset.
We have a strong emphasis on high quality, patient centered care for our patients. We also work closely with the relatives and carers who provide the vital support for their loved ones, offering Family Liaison appointments and access to on-going carer support.
During their stay in hospital, patients will receive high quality, mental health care from a range of professionals including specialist doctors, nurses, psychology and occupational therapy. The ward team will maintain close links with a range of agencies including community mental health teams and mental health social work teams, working towards a well-managed discharge from hospital within appropriate time frames.
We have two, 14-bedded wards:
Pyrland ward 1
Ward 1 provides assessment and treatment for older people (aged 65 yrs and over) experiencing acute and severe mental health problems ranging from depressive illness, mood and psychotic disorders. Admission to ward 1 may be required for those patients who cannot be safely managed at home during this phase of their illness.
Pyrland ward 2
Ward 2 provides assessment and treatment for older people with a diagnosis of dementia. Patients admitted to the ward will often be admitted from home, or from a residential care setting and will present with complex and challenging needs which can no longer be met in their current environment. During admission, patients will receive a full and comprehensive assessment of their current care needs along with treatment options.
Potential admissions to either ward should be discussed in the first instance with the relevant community mental health team or registered medical officer.
Admission to ward 1 must be accessed via the urgent care hub.
Mornings 10am to 12.30 Afternoons 1.30pm to 8pm
Closed to visitors on Tuesdays between 2pm to 4pm