From the age of 12 the cystic fibrosis team will start working with you to help you understand your medical condition and management.
Ongoing care for adults with cystic fibrosis is offered at both Exeter (Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital) and Bristol (Bristol Royal Infirmary). You can choose which hospital suits you best. To help make that decision you can arrange a visit to the adult cystic fibrosis departments at both these hospitals from the age of 16.
Your transition plan might be one of these:
From the age of 17 you will be invited to a transition clinic and a member of your current cystic fibrosis team will join you to help you feel comfortable. All your regular follow up appointments will then be at the BRI.
A member of your current cystic fibrosis team will join you to help you feel comfortable on or before your 18th birthday. All your follow up appointments will then be at the RD&E.
Patients moving to a neighbouring hospital for their adult care may find the transition process is different. Please discuss this with those currently providing your care.