Video consultations - advice for patients

Do I need to do anything before my video consultation?

Please allow 10 to 15 minutes before your video consultation to join waiting room in case of any technical issues.

If you have any difficulties entering the waiting room, please contact us on the telephone number in your appointment letter.

Please ensure you have one of the following browsers on the device you will be using – Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Google Chrome (3 latest versions are supported).

Where do I go to attend my video consultation?

  1. Open the Somerset NHS Foundation Trust website from your device.
  2. Select the video consultations and patient hub link on the website homepage.
  3. Select video consultations.
  4. Choose from children’s, community, mental health, Musgrove Park (Taunton), or Yeovil Hospital to find your service.
  5. Locate and select the name of your waiting area.

How do I start my video consultation?

  1. Once you have selected your waiting area, select ‘Next Steps’.
  2. Complete your personal details, (please leave no gaps in your first name).
  3. Select ‘Next Steps’
  4. Select ‘Click here to enter the waiting room’
  5. Check you are happy with how you name displays in the ‘Display name’ box and change if necessary and select ‘Next’.
  6. Select ‘Start Call’. Your clinician will now be able to see that you are waiting, and they will connect with you shortly.

How do I end my video consultation?

Click the red ‘leave call’ icon to leave the call.

Help and support

If for any reason you cannot connect to your waiting area or your clinician, please close your web/internet browser and try connecting again.

Find further help on our video consultations webpage on our website.

If you still cannot connect to your waiting area or your clinician, the clinician will attempt to telephone you on either your landline or mobile phone, to carry out your appointment.


TW/OUT/VC/MAR25 – review MAR28