General enquiries
Yeovil Hospital switchboard:
- 01935 475122
- 01935 606060
Wards |
4A | 01935 383131 |
6A | 01935 384322 |
AMU (6B) | 01935 384272 |
7A | 01935 384330 |
7B | 01935 384386 |
8A | 01935 384395 |
8B | 01935 384301 |
9A | 01935 384363 |
9B | 01935 384399 |
Children’s Ward (10) | 01935 384360 |
Kingston Wing Ward | 01935 384519 |
Intensive Care | 01935 384407 |
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) | 01935 384539 |
Maternity – Freya Ward | 01935 384303 |
Jasmine Ward | 01935 384385 |
Labour Ward | 01935 384350 |
Departments |
A&E Department | 01935 384355 |
Ambulance Liaison Officer | 01935 384477 |
Antenatal Clinic | 01935 384311 |
Audiology | 01935 384249 |
Bank nurse Co-ordinator | 01935 384874 |
Bed Manager | 01935 384525 |
Bereavement Service | 01935 384746 |
Bone Densitometry Enquiries | 01935 384481 |
Breast and Stoma Care | 01935 384352 |
Cardiac rehabilitation | 01935 384884 |
Cash Office | 01935 384317 |
Chapel | 01935 384357 |
Choose and Book and new outpatient appointments | 01935 384735 |
Clinical Investigations (Maddox Unit) | 01935 384457 |
Colposcopy | 01935 384622 |
Communications Department and Media Enquiries | 01935 383078 |
Complaints Department | 01935 384706 |
Coronary Care | 01935 384429 |
Coronary Care Unit | 01935 384429 |
Day Theatre Reception | 01935 384828 |
Dermatology | 01935 384871 |
Diabetes, endocrinology and weight management | |
Dietetic Nutrition Department | 01935 384250 |
Discharge Lounge | 01935 384876 |
Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic | 01935 383122 |
Eye outpatients | 01935 384239 |
Eyes | 01935 384565 |
Fundraising Office | 01935 383020 |
General Outpatients | 01935 384320 |
Gynae-oncology | 01935 384454 |
Gynaecology Department (Jasmine Ward) | 01935 384385 |
Housekeeping and Domestic Manager | 01935 384383 |
HR – General Enquiries | 01935 384586 |
Kingston Private Patients Wing | 01935 383476 |
Macmillan Unit / Oncology Suite | 01935 384553 |
Management Office | 01935 384414 |
Media / press office | 01935 384233 |
Medical Admissions Unit | 01935 384820 |
Occupational Health | 0345 09 44021 |
Occupational Therapy | 01935 384358 |
Ophthalmology | 01935 384239 |
Oral Outpatients | 01935 384420 |
Oral Surgery / Orthodontics | 01935 384220 |
Orthopaedic outpatient clinic | 01935 384319 |
Orthopaedics | 01935 384619 |
Orthoptic Department | 01935 384458 |
Orthotics Department (Surgical Appliances) | 01935 384380 |
Outpatients Department | 01935 384432 |
Paediatric Outpatients department | 01935 384507 |
Palliative Care Team | 01935 384557 |
Pathology Reception | 01935 384298 |
Pre Assessment Unit | 01935 384863 |
Pharmacy Pharmacy Medicines Helpline |
01935 384940 01935 383121 |
Physiotherapy | 01935 384358 |
Plastic surgery | 01935 384887 |
Queensway Day Hospital | 01935 384875 |
Radiology – general enquiries | 01935 384221 |
Respiratory Nurse Specialist | 01935 384574 |
Speech and Language Therapy | 01823 617464 |
Theatre Admissions Lounge | 01935 384778 |
Urology | 01935 384564 |
Volunteers | 01935 383183 |
Women’s Hospital | 01935 384411 |