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Stress Management

This course is aimed at those that are having diffiuclties with stress. In Talking Therapies, we recognise that the people we work with often have a number of stressful events going on in their lives and while we can’t always change that, this course aims to teach useful techniques for managing the symptoms associated with stress.

Two smiling women at the beach
The course is run by 2 Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP’s) and runs for one hour per week, for 5 sessions. The following techniques are covered within this course:
SESSION 1: We cover what is stress, common causes of stress, we discuss values and goals, and introduce you to CBT. We finish off with a relaxation exercise.
SESSION 2: We cover the physical symptoms of stress, we go through why we experience these symptoms, and how to manage these symptoms through making lifestyle changes and incorporating relaxation techniques.
SESSION 3: We explore the role our thoughts play in our experience of stress. We discuss how we can address negative thoughts, and how we can manage worry.
SESSION 4: Is all about sleep and how to get a better nights’ sleep. We bust myths about sleep and offer sleep hygiene tips and advice.
SESSION 5: We cover the role our behaviour plays in our experience of stress. We look at how we can utilise our routine to overcome avoidance or doing too much. We also look at a technique to address practical problems we may face.
For each group, there is a 30-minute orientation session 2 weeks before the start of the webinar to introduce you to the facilitators, how to use the webinar platform and what to expect from the course.
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